Supporting the autonomy of the Judicial authority and stopping harmful acts or influences or interference from the executive and legislative authorities.
Creating special courts in particular cases to be treated outside the framework of the judiciary. Issuing retroactive laws means a sequestration of rights and liberties, or promulgating laws the aim of which is to annul a court verdict.
Article 19 should be amended in order not to limit the consultations to those who do not have interest from consulting or appealing. The right of consultations should include citizens, associations, syndicates, and unions.
The choice of the Constitutional Council’s member should be extended.
Amending the law that forbids violating members to the decision from monitoring violation or even hint at it in the proceedings. It only allows to orally report the violation.
The citizens should be given the right to provoke the monitoring of the constitutionality of the laws before the Constitutional Council
The Judicial courts should be able to transfer the issue of unconstitutionality to the Constitutional Council to settle it; this would happen when it appears, while examining a certain case, that a text of law contradicts one of the rules of the constitution; this same text is necessary to settle the case.
The Constitutional Council should have the right to dispose of any law published in the official bulletin without consulting any of the bodies delimited by the law.
A term should be put to this new way of doing things, such as the tendency of the Chamber of Deputies to overpass the decisions made by the Constitutional Council.