It is important that media planning be carried out by a National Council for Media Development
Developing the genuine atmosphere for communication between the citizen and the authorities and among the citizens..
The problem with the media sector in Lebanon does not reside in the censorship or in the lack of freedom, but is due to the misinterpretation of freedom, where private benefit supplants social responsibility
The problem of censorship is no more the right gateway to the freedom of expression and the freedom of opinion. The right gateway is human rights, and in particular the citizen’s right to communicate and this in turn enables him to improve his life conditions and be conscious about the right exercise of democracy
Freedom of expression cannot be applied unless there is plurality of opinions reflecting the positions of various groups. The problem of media resides in the fact that it does not diffuse information that is not in line with the orientations of its supervisors
The moral right of freedom of expression of the press must be linked with its acceptance to undergo accountability. The press has a legal right for free expression as long as it accomplishes its moral duty towards its society.
To achieve democracy the press should be close to the citizen, as the main mission of the press is to serve the people in general not influential political or financial leaders. There should be a sort of interrelation between the citizen and the press. Support to media contributing to a constructive democracy so that it is not subject to the intentions of its investors
There should be restraints that would guarantee the right of expression for those who do not have a mouthpiece. Freedom of the press becomes a legitimate right as long as this freedom guarantees the citizen’s right and interest to receive correct information in public matters.
Media should not demand the freedom of work if it exceeds general interest and the citizen’s right to receive correct information; information which would help him in building a right and aware civil society. The general interest should supersede the private interest of the press and journalists
The state should elaborate laws and offer the moral and material facilities to medias that would be an example for private medias. To achieve democracy the press should be close to the citizen, as the main mission of the press is to serve the people in general not influential political or financial leaders
Developing its independent financial capacities, thus, its ability for endurance.