• Reducing health cost which exceeds 11 percent of GNP and is considered one of the highest in the world.
  • There should be a continuous assessment for the need of doctors, according to a general survey of the labor market. Students should be oriented towards specialization that are suffering a lack of qualified personnel
  • elaborating a genuine and complete health map that would fairly delimit the needs in hospital and doctors in each region
  • Resorting to preventive medicine and healthcare and first aid instead of resorting to therapeutic medicine.
  • Constraints should be imposed to put a limit to the import of advanced medical equipments so that they are not spread anarchically; their use should be limited so that no profit is made to the detriment of the citizen.
  • Resorting to Generic medicines. The local production of medicines should be encouraged .Falsified and trafficked medicines should be forbidden through a severe control by government. A public institution should be created to control the quality of the product
  • Unifying social security funds in order to prevent squandering and implementing the compulsory health insurance policy
  • promulgation of pension scheme law which would comprise a retirement plan and health insurance for aged people due to their rapid growth in Lebanon and as their chronic diseases necessitate continuous healthcare
  • Benefiting from the technology and multimedia revolution as they facilitate an information exchange in the various fields (exchange of data, experiences, health and medical services in a continuous manner, and grant the legal framework for such an exchange by respecting medical and hospitalization laws