Elaborating a new balanced and just electoral law, that the Lebanese would consider the best means to achieve their representativity in the political life
Creating the National Council for the Elimination of Confessionalism, and starting progressively to work for the elimination of political confessionalism from the texts, as well as from judicial, political and religious organisms.
Reforming public education and reducing the cost of education
Supporting the independence of the judiciary authority for the sake of protecting the people’s civil, political and legal rights; and this is done by respecting the laws pertaining to the third authority, ensuring total transparency and permanent supervision including civil and media supervision if necessary in the first phase.
Activating the National Economic and Social Council in order to deal with the economic crisis
Exercising the authority of the state on all Lebanese territories by the use of its own forces and taking into consideration the regional factors and obligations due to the conflict with Israel.
Granting a general amnesty to all political prisoners, allowing the return of all exiled politicians to their homeland, and forbidding totally the concept of political imprisonment, with the exception of national treason linked to the collaboration with the enemy as delimited by the executive and legislatives powers, or in short, national treason as stipulated in the constitution.
Putting an end to the issue of the displaced
Adoption of a comprehensive and unified development plan capable of developing the provinces economically and socially.
Providing education for all : it shall be made obligatory for the elementary stage at least.
Elaborating laws concerning political parties as well as general principles that organize such parties. It is possible to establish a bi-party or a multi-party system based on alliances among parties.
Calling all Lebanese parties to take part in a national dialogue, in order to rectify the imbalance prevailing at all levels.
Emphasizing on the importance of the principle separation of powers among the executive, legislative and judiciary authorities and the balance and cooperation among powers.
Consolidating relations with the Lebanese Diaspora, in order to support the just and right Lebanese cause, and to strengthen the social and economic ties with the Lebanese homeland.
Fighting corruption by struggling against the corrupt political culture and showing concern for the general interest
Elaborating laws for the sake of general interests, to control illicit enrichment, activating special laws, and increasing the prerogatives of the financial control services especially the Government Accounting Office