• There should be some awareness campaigns about solid waste and the danger of their haphazard disposal in nature.
  • To make a study about the economic avail for fermentation and recycling
  • Offering technical and financial support for municipalities
  • Reconsidering the national plan currently adopted to manage the increasing number of sanitary landfills
  • Implementing an effective mechanism for environmental monitoring for the sorting facilities to make sure that the international standards are being followed in its establishment.
  • Identifying and designating the jobs and the responsibilities in solid waste management at all levels
  • Finding a mechanism to implement the articles related to the hospitals and factories waste management
  • Supporting the Ministry of Environment in setting rules for industrial and hazardous waste management and to implement the “Chemical Safety National Plan” in order to improve and monitor the followed procedures during the importation, transportation, storage and treatment and final disposal of chemical waste.
  • Finding a mechanism to implement the “national guideline for environmental monitoring in the plants” and the decrees promulgated by the Ministry of Environment for the establishment of plants and enhancing the capacities of the Ministry to do further environmental monitoring steps
  • Finding a mechanism to implement the decree 2001 8/1 promulgated by the Ministry of environment that sets the environmental standards for stack emissions and wastewater and solid waste discharges and imposing sanctions on committed violations. However, these sanctions should not be influenced by political pressures.
  • Getting a faster approval on the economic incentives proposed by the Ministry of environment for the plants that intend to improve their installations for the sake of the environmental safety
  • Setting a mechanism to implement the decree 8006 promulgated by the Ministry of Environment on 21/6/2002 that defines the basics for the management and the treatment of medical wastes in Lebanon
  • Offering financial and technical support for the Ministry of Environment in order to develop and apply the project of reforestation based on the public participation at all stages.
  • Activating the role of the ministry of environment by providing it with sufficient human resources that would be entitled to monitor the economic and entertaining activities, as well as the natural disasters threatening the forests
  • Establishing a clear mechanism that defines the responsibilities of the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture as well as the related municipalities in the monitoring of the natural reserves
  • Activating the orientation plan of quarries
  • Activating the surveillance on the quarries and granting the necessary prerogatives to the Ministry of the Environment
  • Elaborating an efficient plan to find construction materials, by organizing imports or exempting some materials from taxes
  • Giving priority for the establishment of liquid waste stations.
  • Conducting a study regarding the environmental effect for every station to make sure that it fulfills all the required environmental general conditions.
  • Establishing a mechanism to implement an effective environmental monitoring during the establishment and the operation of these stations
  • Establishing an effective mechanism to implement the law that specifies the requirements that should be provided with the waste after treating it and before its disposal in the sea.
  • Preparing awareness campaigns about the importance of refinery and its advantages
  • Putting legislations and strategies to organize the sector of transportation
  • Supporting the Ministry of Environment to implement all the articles of the Law that aim at reducing the air pollution caused by transportation and encouraging the use of less polluting fuel.
  • Trying to find permanent solutions for taxi drivers
  • Trying to reduce the access of cars in some areas by transforming them into places for pedestrians and cyclists
  • Reorganizing the public transport by imposing delimited departure times to encourage its use, encouraging the use of unpolluted gas, creating new installations for public transport such as railways and others, and strongly implement control system (known as Mechanic) on public transport vehicles
  • Ensuring economic incentives to reduce polluted emissions of public transport